Thursday 5 January 2012

Blue Sky Claims are specialists in financial compensation

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Blue Sky helps you receive financial compensation as a result of mis-sold
payment protection insurance (PPI) that appears on the majority of loans and to
claim back all charges added to credit cards, store cards and bank accounts.

With our 13 years of experience, we are able to provide you with a number of
services to help you recover your money. Our services are listed on our website
and to see how we can help you click the link

If you prefer to chat to us about your financial situation, call us on - 0871
328 3773
Blue Sky Claims is regulated by the Ministry of Justice in respect of regulated
claims management activities. Our authorisation number is CRM4243 and our
registration is recorded on the Ministry of Justice website.

PPI is sold on many mortgages, secured loans, unsecured loans, car finance and
credit cards - so the odds that you have at least one PPI policy that has been
mis-sold to you.

The selling of PPI by the major banks is an enormous scandal that would have
affected you and your family.

Over the last 10 years millions of these PPI policies have been sold, the banks
have made a profit of billions and millions adults have been ripped off by more
than £1,000.

The High Court ruled banks must look again at hundreds of thousands of PPI
cases, rejecting a judicial review brought by the BBA against the FSA. The FSA
have reviwed the rules and the way banks have to deal with complaints. We are
now seeing that the lenders are responding within the correct guidelines ans
claims can be processes quite quickly.

The chances are you have at least one claim, you may have many. If you have had
PPI added to a loan you probably have an excellent chance of recovering most if
not all of your money back within a few short months.